Looking for a good read? Check out this new 82 page, 8-1/2 x 11, "mostly color", paperback book "Angel On My Wing;" written by Lt. Colonel Richard B. (Dick) Lewis, a member of the 493rd Bomb Group 8th Air Force during WWII. He kept a diary and wrote the book from the diary along with his unbelievable memories of his 35 missions. (and, upon request he will be happy to sign your book.)
Forward- of book
Ask anyone whether they are superstitious or not and half will say "not in the least" and half will say they are. Being somewhere in the middle I believe the answer is really in how you react to things as they happen. For instance, I started flying my missions using an old yellow handled toothbrush every morning before we were briefed. After about twenty missions it occurred to me that it was looking pretty decrepit. Do you think I would go get a new one? No way. Didn't even think of doing that until I was safely back in the states.
Sometime between my tenth and twelfth mission I received a letter from Mom that described a dream she had. (According to the bible the Lord corresponded with people in their dreams.) She said that her mother, who she adored but who had died at the age of forty-nine had appeared in her dream. In the dream she assured Mom that she needn't worry about my safety because she was sitting on my wing on every mission. Everyone dreads their thirteenth mission, but my crew and I didn't even sweat it.
Now in looking back over my life she has been with me in every endeavor. At least, if not her, I believe I have had a guardian angle watching over me all my life."
If interested, you can purchase the book on Ebay.